Organ Pipes and Tuning of Organ According to the Treatise of Arnolt Schlick „Spiegel der Orgelmacher und Organisten” from 1511

  • Piotr Towarek Higher Theological Seminary in Elbląg
Keywords: Arnolt Schlick; treatise Spiegel (1511); pipe; voicing; scale; meantone temperament


Analysis of Spiegel der Orgelmacher und Organisten (1511) has proven that in Schlick’s time organ pipes were most often constructed of tin, lead, an alloy of both of wood. A. Schlick, confirms also that attempts had been made to create pipes out of paper, cloth (silk) and glass. He refers to the size and voicing of the pipes. Regarding the scaling Schlick sees the following relation: the larger the diameter of the pipes, the shorter the corpus (especially in comparison with a narrower corpus of a pipe sounding at the same pitch). He also points that narrow-scaled pipes hat a sweeter tone (süsser) that wider pipes. He also makes a proposal of to dividing the octave into smaller intervals (different than in the Pythagorean system). Schlick’s system is in the modern theory called the meantone temperament (Mitteltönigkeit).


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