The Dynamics of Relations between Ideal and Real Self of Primary School Children and Adolescents in the Context of their Personal Efficiency
The article analyzes the research of the real and ideal self-images of pupils having different levels of personal effectiveness at the time of their transition from primary school age to adolescence. There are five category groups with which pupils describe the “successful pupil” image: generalized characteristics; acting and behavioural characteristics; personality traits (this category can be divided into two subgroups: 1) a person as a learning agent, the treats important for learning activity implementation; 2) a person's traits characterizing him/her as a human being); relationships with other people, other characteristics. The ideal self-image peculiarities are determined and compared, in dynamics, with real self-images of 3rd-6th grade pupils depending on their personal effectiveness. The research results give grounds to assert that the self-knowledge of primary schoolchildren has the form of self-perception and self-observation that are basis for creation of ideas about themselves; such ideas consist mostly of single images in specific situations. In contrast, at the beginning of adolescence, self-study and self-reflection become very important, which is a prerequisite for holistic, generalized self-image formation.
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