The Symbolism of Water in the Liturgy of the Catechumenate

  • Piotr Kulbacki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: water; washing; scrutinies; baptism; mystagogy


The liturgy preparing for receiving the sacraments of Christian initiation is dominated by the issue of a covenant, a new life, enlightenment, inclusion in the Church. Liturgical ceremonies preparing for establishing a covenant in baptismal waters mention the symbolism of water. However, this is not the main theme. The study on the liturgical texts used in the period of purification and enlightenment revealed references to the symbolism of water taken from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. It concerns the living water in the desert and the prophetic message of purification. Also, some of the psalms used in the liturgical rites of this period refer to using water for purification or confirmation of innocence. The liturgy draws attention to the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman and the promise of the water giving eternal life, and the blind from birth who regained his sight through washing. The symbolism of water is further developed during the rite of blessing of baptismal water and baptism in the Paschal Night. Preparation for baptism fulfils the principle of mystagogy, which assumes the priority of the celebration of the sign over its explanation.


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