The Relationship between Continuous Prayer and Preaching a Homily in the Light of Patristic Traditions

  • Edward Wasilewski Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Bydgoskiej
Keywords: reparation of a homilist; continuous prayer; homily


Preparation of a homilist for preaching the word of God is a complex process which covers his sphere of intellect, feelings and will. This issue is widely discussed by the fathers of the Church. It is not only the preaching of God's truth, but primarily a testimony to their life, since a homilist is a first listener. Personal prayer is indispensable in the preparation of a homily. The etymology of the Greek term όμιλία (homily) means a “communion with God”. A homily addressed to listeners, and its effectiveness, depend on the personal „communion with God” which should become a personal experience of the minister of the word of God. What becomes important is spiritual preparation of a homilist, where a crucial role is played by a careful study of the Scripture as well as personal prayer. Those two elements, rather than rhetorical skills, are the main driving force of the whole preaching. This kind of communion with God should be a continuous life disposition of a homilist, both at the preparation stage and during the preaching of the word of God.


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