Multiculturalism versus Identity

  • Helena Słotwińska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: multiculturalism; identity; religion; culture


In the discussed issue that concerns the relations between multiculturalism and identity, after showing the dimensions, ideology and the practical side of cultural pluralism, identity is presented (with religion being one of its important elements) as a great value for a society, especially one living in the European environment. And these reflections, supported with the experiences that have been gained, especially from France, Belgium and Germany, lead to stating that cultural pluralism is a certain value, but some definite requirements are set to it, especially ones that are concerned with its ideology. This cannot be dominating monism or hybrid monism. Mixing cultures is also unacceptable. Moreover, some communities, as e.g. Muslims, are not able to integrate with the society that has Christian values. They form closed groups that are not subjected to any control by the forces of law, which favors various sorts of crime. And this state of things, according to the rule “pars pro toto”, is the cause why the whole specific community is held responsible, and the initially positive attitude towards it is changed into isolating it. Hence – since the solutions that have been applied until now do not work, they should not be kept to, but new ones should be looked for, ones that do not destroy the identity of the local communities.


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