Holy Church of Sinful Christians
Frequent information in the media about offences of the Catholic clergy without mentioning similar misdeeds of laity makes one challenge the Church’s claim of holiness and demand expulsion of a sinner from her. This article shows a theological, i.e. the original understanding of the Church holiness, which consists in the presence of Christ in her and of his grace which sanctifies sinners. The requirement of highly ethical Christian behaviour is only the consequence of baptismal grace – and in its realism – means growth in grace and constant conversion. Fundamentality of this baptismal relationship with the Church lasts despite sins of the baptized but it implies their attitude of constant conversion. The notion “sinful Church” does not exclude her holiness as it expresses the truth that – like Christ – she is indeed burdened and carries the faults of her members. A derivative of the Church historical dimension is a constant and regular need to verify and renew her structures, taking into account pastoral fruitfulness.
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