The Subject of Creatio Continua and its Ecclesial Aspect
It is God who is the subject of creatio continua; in Christianity it is a triune God. Fundamentally divine nature, Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit, who in the logic of the internal life of the Trinity is third and in relation to the world the most direct. The personal specificity of the Third Divine Person predestines it to activity, creativity, to stirring creative power and action in created beings. The Holy Spirit develops and unites, creates the interior of the beings, combines them and strengthens the link with the Creator.
This ongoing creation is encoded in the act of creation and is in keeping with the workings of Providence, which also is a creation of the Trinity, and indirectly a creation of people: individuals and societies.
Participation in the act of creation stands in proportion to the growth in holiness, which means it is proportional to becoming a person. Created beings personalize themselves through participation in creatio continua, and by participating in this act, they personalize themselves. All this is implemented though the activity of the intellect, will and emotions.
It is Jesus Christ in his capacity of God and man who occupies the centre stage of the ongoing creation.
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