Specialized social counseling – key elements

  • František Drozd
  • Adam Zadroga The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: specjalistyczne doradztwo społeczne; proces doradczy; doradca społeczny; klient pomocy społecznej; rozmowa doradcza


The aim of the article is to indicate the general characteristics of the key elements of social counseling process. To accomplish this task authors used professional literature and professional experience in the field of one of the co-authors. František Drozd several years has been practicing of social counseling in Slovakia. His experience allowed him to competently determine the key factors in the counseling process. These are: (1) ambient conditions and taking into account the time factor; (2) properly conducted interview; (3) the relevant contract with the client and skillful completion of the counseling process, and (4) ethical principles in counseling work.

Author Biography

František Drozd

PhDr. František Drozd, PhD. − członek Izby Pracowników Socjalnych w Republice Słowackiej


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