Social Economy and the Church's Social Teaching Mutual Axiological Implications

  • Adam Zadroga The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: social economy; the Church's social teaching; principles of social life


Social economy and the Church's social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of interest, i. e. a common axiological foundation in the form of certain values and principles. It seems that the existence of such connections on the axiological level is not very well known, which can be proven, among others, by the fact that it is hard to find any studies or even mentions connected with it in the literature on the subject. Hence an attempt seems justified to look closely and to analyze this connection in order to indicate the details of mutual implications, and so to show the possibilities of mutual enriching these two domains of human reflection on social life.

The article analyzes particular principles of social life that are preached by the Church as part of its social teaching, with respect to their presence or the necessity of considering them in social economy. First it points to (1) the source and foundation of all the social principles, which is the human person, and then it shows (2) the dignity of work and the call to be enterprising. Next, the following principles are analyzed: (3) the common good, the general allotment of goods and preferential option for the poor, and finally (4) solidarity, subsidiariness and participation.


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