Pope Benedict XVI’s Theology of Beauty and the New Evangelization

  • Matthew J. Ramage Kolegium Benedyktyńskie w Atchinson, Kansas
  • Maciej Baron The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Joseph Ratzinger; beauty; false beauty; theology of beauty; new evangelization; liturgy


Hereby text is a translation of an article by Ph. D. Matthew J. Ramage, covering Joseph Ratzinger’s/Pope Benedict XVIth approach towards Theology of Beauty and it’s consequences for the New Evangelization efforts. The Author reads Ratzinger’s work on the meaning of beauty and shows the development of his theological thought. The true meaning of beauty nowadays seems to be forgotten or misunderstood and beauty itself is misused. The urge to reveal the true nature and power of beauty is an important task for all those wanting to make it an important part of christian witness and identity. The Author reminds, that the true beauty has the power to convert human soul and turn it towards Truth. It is also a truly universal language, that everyone can understand. But it does not come automatiucally, there is a deep need of education in understanding the beauty, and this is another task for the community of Church. Following the path of Ratzinger, the Author point, that the ultimate encounter with the beauty takes places, when we meet Jesus Christ. And Church, being His Body, is a space of experiencing the beauty of Christ for contemporary world. Liturgy of the Church is the ultimate language of communicating Christ’s beauty to the world, becoming a universal mission for all believers. One of Ratzinger’s thesis claims, that true beauty, in contrary to the false one, always evokes an answer – and that is the desired reaction for those following the path of beauty as the way of evangelization.


Benedykt XVI: Adhortacja apostolska „Sacramentum Caritatis” 2007. http://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/pl/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_ben-xvi_exh_20070222_sacramentum-caritatis.html

Lewis C.S.: The Great Divorce. San Francisco: HarperCollins 2000.

Papieska Rada ds. Kultury. The Via Pulchritudis. Privileged Pathway for Evangelization and Dialogue 2006.

Ratzinger J.: Duch Liturgii. KKK. Dębogóra 2008.

Ratzinger J.: Why I Am Still in the Church in Fundamental Speeches from Five Decades. San Francisco: Ignatius Press 2012.
