The Minor Basilica as a Center of the Liturgical Life

  • Mariusz Szypa The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: basilica; minor basilica; liturgical law; formation; choir; Domus Ecclesiae


The decree Domus Dei collects standards and wishes of the Church not only for those churches that are endowed with the title of minor basilica, but also churches that already have the privilege to implement the principles and obligations under the papal ennoblement. This decree envisages increasing requirements for future minor basilicas to curb the excessive spread of this privilege. Looking at the practice in Poland, it is difficult to observe the inhibition of this process, and even one may be tempted to say that the opposite is true. More and more churches receive the title, not always meeting the basic requirements with respect to each church, not to mention those from which it is requested that they should be the centers and the models for the liturgical and pastoral life.

Among the expectations put upon churches that are trying to receive the title of minor basilica, there are no particularly difficult conditions they have to meet. Actually, each center of parish life has to fulfill a minimum of the requirements posed to minor basilicas. The award, which is conferred on a church by giving it the title of minor basilica, still should stimulate its work and commitment in the field of liturgy. In this way preference is to be expressed among those who work in the spirit of obedience to the Church, which is expressed in the observance of the norms of the liturgical law. And it is a quiet expression of love and unity with the visible head of the Church, to which they can look and take as a model for other pastoral centers.

At no point does the document mention the possible revocation of the title of minor basilica, if the above conditions are not fulfilled or notoriously neglected. The possibility of taking the title would certainly be a mobilizing factor for fulfilling the tasks and responsibilities of the document, however, it presupposes the good will and continuous work for development and not for stagnation.


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