250th Anniversary of the Liturgical Sacred Herth of Jesus Worship in Poland—Polish Bishops Memorial of 1765

  • Ireneusz Słoma The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: Sacred Heart of Jesus; Memorial from Polish Bishops to Pope Clement XIII about the Sacred Heart of Jesus worship; 250th anniversary of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus worship; Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


The liturgical Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was approved 250 years ago. This solemnity is celebrating on the Friday after the octave of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). The Polish bishops Memorial of 1765 was really important document which helped in approval the Sacred Heart solemnity. That is why every Sacred Heart worshipper should read and know this document. 250th anniversary of approval this worship is the best time to do this. The Memorial presents the beginning of Sacred Heart worship history and meaning this worship for every worshipper. What is more this document shows arguments for approval of the liturgical solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Memorial shows clearly that orthodox Sacred Heart worship exist in the Church and this worship is accepted and still promoting by the Holy See. That is why this worship needs official approval of the appropriate form of the Mass, and breviary. Polish Bishops Memorial especially ask for approval of these texts for Poland. One of the reasons of it is Polish people are real Sacred Heart worshippers and they believe that this Heart helps them in every difficult situation.


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