The Divine Nature and the Human Sex

  • Sławomir Kunka The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: divine nature; image of God in man; human sex; analogical sense of theological language; fatherhood and the motherhood; God the Father; divine fatherhood


The man and woman are expressed by their sex, not only on the biological level, but personal level. They by their sex may form communio personarum. On this principle also the human sexuality participates in image and likeness of man to God. By their sex is given to people the gift of motherhood and fatherhood that originates in God.

The man is the image of his Creator, but the divine nature transcends all creatures. In the Old and the New Testament God reveals himself to man, using the human language, terms and images. The theological language often uses an analogy. The Sacred Scriptures give the attributes masculine or feminine to God and compare God's love to a love of father or of mother, doing that by the analogy. This likeness accompanies a no-likeness, because God always is a Different One. The divine fatherhood and motherhood is not the same level as the human procreation. God is among a man's sexuality.

The biblical language, and also the language of theology, uses the anthropomorphic categories. The theology says about the eternal generating, that is an element of the interior God's life. This generating among sexuality is not masculine nor feminine. This generating in its very nature is divine. Also the divine fatherhood is among human things. Christ, the Son of God, reveals God as Father in ultra-corporeal meaning. That is the divine meaning. In Sacred Scriptures, too, the God's love is compared to a mother's love. The Sacred Scriptures don't call God Mother, but Father. That is in the text of prayers in the Old Testament and in the Gospel (cf. Mk 14:36).

God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the difference between the sexes (CCC 370). However the man, being the image of God, realizes that as the person by his sex: as mother or as father. In marriage by communio personarum the male and the female most clearly show that they are created in the image and likeness of the One God in the Holy Trinity. The divine fatherhood is the source of human being mother or father. This is why the child as a priority is the child of God, because only God gives the life and each man is created directly in His divine image. The genealogy of each human person has the source in God and only in His fatherly arms can be perfection (cf. Lk 23:46 and Eph 1:20).

The man possesses knowingly the love from the Holy Trinity, when in Spirit, with a humility and a trust, calls God: our Father... The man has learned it through the Son of God.


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