The Personalist Shift in Christology
The article deals with the issue of the personalistic placement of contemporary Christology. The character of this approach is described by a direct, existential attitude toward the personal phenomenon of Jesus Christ. The analysis in question stems from the reading of the integral and complete humanity of Christ (verus et perfectus Homo) thanks to the use of personalistic language. This take releases the traditional Christology from the burden of concepts that hinder the access to the personal mystery of the Saviour. Thus, the personalistic shiftin Christology means that the “reality” under scrutiny is seen as an irreducible “point” of the existence of the God-Man who sets a radically new horizon of the acquisition of the truth that cannot be reduced to any concepts or formulae. This process is reflected by the principle of co-seemlines that is the modus of the personal covenant of the humanum and divinum that was literally and most fully realised in Christ, thereby giving an unparalleled perspective of speaking of God and of man. The profile of Christology directed existentially (the personalistic Christology) does not lose its scientific and methodological character or conceptual coherence, but it rather broadens the significance of these elements and puts them a radically new interpretative perspective.
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