Providing Help on Time to Street Children in Africa Salesian Resocialization Work in the Chosen Countries
The existence of street children is a result of structural and cultural changes related to postmodernity. It can be identified as a disadvantageous state within the society in which it occurs, and is perceived as an undesirable, threatening, dangerous problem, which must be reduced or eradicated. Africa is the third continent, after South America and Asia, with the highest number of children and youth spending time or living in the streets in conditions violating the dignity of a human person. Different social and church institutions are involved in the process of resocialization and social re-adaptation of street children. A group which acts very actively in this field are the Salesians. Because of this, in this article we focus on their great involvement, and pay tribute to their oftentimes heroic work, which in line with St. John Bosco's educational system aims at looking for good in all street children. The aim of our article is to show pedagogical activity of Salesians in the chosen countries of Africa, through different programmes and projects in local environments developed for the good of street children. The activity is performed in two ways: directly on the street (streetworking method), and in centres built specially for street children and youths.
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