Public Relations and Promotion of the Social Assistance System in Practice

  • Marta Chechelska Pedagogical University of Kraków
Keywords: public relations; social assistance; image of social assistance; information policy; media relations


Contemporary world challenges social assistance institutions. Challenges are not only recently emerged social problems and their solutions but also information management. Public relations in the field of social assistance is not very popular in Poland. Creating information policy by social assistance institutions is not only needed but essential. Public relations must be organized in the planned, organized and effective way. Elements of the information policy in the social assistance institutions are: media relations, website, publications, interior public relations and all other activities (in accordance to Law on Access to Public Information). Public relations can shape positive image of social assistance institutions. It is useful to learn how to talk about our work to give adequate information – to our clients, partners, donors and journalists. Systematic, open cooperation with journalists can change the attitude of the spokesmen from passive (only giving answers) to active (seeking opportunities to inform). When there will be more adequate information about social assistance institutions, the image of polish social assistance system will be authentic on the one hand and satisfying to employees on the other. If social workers would like to gain public opinion appreciation, all of the social assistance institutions must implement adequate information policy.


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