Spiritual Iunctim. Bishop of Siedlce, Henryk Przeździecki, and the Arrival of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate to the Parish and Marian Shrine in Kodeń in 1927
The territory of the diocese of Siedlce has witnessed severe religious persecution in the second part of the 19th century. The Russian authorities confiscated Catholic churches and violently forced the eastern-rite Catholics to forsake the union with the bishop of Rome and to join the Orthodox Church. A famous 17th-century image of Our Lady of Kodeń was removed from the church and transported to another Marian shrine in the southern Poland. Only the Polish independence in 1918 allowed the process of rebuilding the traditional religious structures to begin. The article shows the involvement of the bishop of Siedlce in restoring the image of Our Lady of Kodeń to its original location and the beginning of pastoral ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate at the service of the Marian shrine and parish in Kodeń, including the attempts to restore the structures of the eastern-rite Catholic Church.
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