The Homily in the in Contemporary Media Society

  • Edward Wiszowaty Faculty of Theology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Keywords: homily; the media; the media society


In the latter part of the twentieth century, a French preacher expressed the opinion that the re-discovery of the homily was one of the most significant theological discoveries of the present generations. Along with the shaping of the media society, in which widely understood media have become a human environment, there appeared a doubt whether the homily will not lose its meaning again. In this article the author asks the question: In this new reality is the voice from the pulpit likely to be the case as having significance and still being the obliging word of God? Not pretending to find a definitive answer, he points out the necessity of including the in-depth homiletic reflection. He indicates that the media society is not only the external environment in which man lives, maintaining their perceptual constant structure but it is a phenomenon deeply transforming man and his relation to reality. Against this background, the author shows the necessity to adjust the homily to this new reality.


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