The Nature and Extent of Social Assistance Benefits

  • Bogusław Ulijasz Off-Campus Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences in Tomaszów Lubelski, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: types of benefits; welfare; benefits; cash benefits; benefits in kind


In our country, social assistance offers different types of benefits for those individuals and their families who are in difficult situations, disruptive, and which are not in a position to overcome. A characteristic feature of social assistance benefits is their discretion. Decisive for the granting of benefits are decisions of the administration and the requirements met by the beneficiaries. A functioning system of our state social support individuals and families in their efforts to meet the necessary needs and enables them to live in conditions equivalent to human dignity. The basis for the provision of this assistance is the Social Support Act of 12 March 2004 Among the social assistance benefits, there are two main types of benefits: monetary and non-monetary. The cash benefits are among the different types of benefits, but the benefits in kind: health insurance, or social, a funeral, shelter and assistance as necessary clothing, food, care services in residence.


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