Reconciliation by Remembrance and Dialogue: Religious Psychological Remarks

  • Geert Franzenburg University of Münster, German
Keywords: dialogue, reconciliation, remembrance, trauma, war


The year 2021 was marked, among other things, by the commemoration of the invasion by the Wehrmacht of the Soviet Union in June 1941 and the subsequent war of extermination. This attack was closely linked to the resulting breach of the Moscow Treaties between Germany and Germany and Russia in 1939, which were actually propagated as nonaggression and friendship pacts but the double occupation of Poland by the Wehrmacht and the Red Army as well as the occupation of the occupation of the Baltic states and the opportunity for a German campaign against the West, and culminated in the attack on the Soviet Union. Thus, this date is associated with several traumas in numerous European countries. The following remarks show, from the perspective of the psychology of religion, how these traumas can contribute to stages of reconciliation with oneself, with others, and with life through constructive remembering in dialogue.


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