Analysis and Interpretation of the Results of Interaction in a Respondents’ Subgroup according to Sibling Position in the Nuclear Family
The article provides a review of the modern nuclear family’s condition. I analyse scholarly works by leading local and foreign scientists in the line of parent–child, sibling relations. The peculiarities of the interaction between children and parents are highlighted from the position of the respondents, who have been grouped into subgroups according to the order of birth in the family hierarchy (N = 265). The choice of methods for studying the family interaction of the respondents has been found. The aim is to study the level of development of parent–child and sibling relations, and compare the results in the “The first/middle/last child” subgroups. The methods are questionnaires used to establish the level of parent–child and sibling relationships; the statistical processing of empirical data and graphical presentation of the results were done using MS Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics (v. 27.0). The main positions based on the results of our research will be put into the basis for the development of specific recommendations, which will be useful and helpful in further work of practicing psychologists in the field of family counseling in such subsystems as marital sibling and parent-child relationships.
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