Biblical Inspiration of the Directory for Catechesis
The article is an attempt to answer the question to what extent the new Directory for Catechesis is inspired by the divinely inspired Scriptures? The research has shown that the document is a further, dynamic development of the two previous texts, with which it maintains continuity, but it differs in a new systematic approach to the formation of catechists and, of course, in taking into account the work of catechists and the contemporary Church Magisterium.
The wealth of quotations from the Holy Scriptures contained in the Directory not only confirms the biblical character of catechesis, but with a new dynamism indicates the possibilities of biblical animation of catechesis at each stage of its development. An important conclusion drawn from the question posed at the beginning concerns the fact that one should not merely repeat the listed formulations of the kerygma from the past. Not only is the catechist required to know the biblical expressions, but he is even inspired to embody the kerygma for the needs of contemporary individuals and communities.
The elaboration of God’s pedagogy in salvation history in the Directory is thoroughly biblical. The Church’s magisterium on catechesis presents Revelation as God’s great educational work, which is permeated by the biblical narrative. Biblical analysis combined with catechetical reflection reveals God the Father as an ingenious educator who transforms the history of his people into lessons of wisdom (cf. Deut 4:36-40; 11:2-7), adapting himself to the age and situation in which the people live. It reveals God’s pedagogy in the mystery of the Incarnation. It shows the Holy Spirit, whom the disciples received and were led by the Comforter to the knowledge of the truth, „to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8) gave witness to the Word of life which they had heard, seen and touched (cf. 1 Jn 1:1; DK 162). The reflection of those responsible for catechization synthetically showed that the Gospel stories are a confirmation of the educative character of Jesus’ account and can also inspire the pedagogical action of the Church today.
Summing up the presence of 187 biblical quotations in the main catechetical document of the Catholic Church, it should be emphasized that for catechists they echo the words of their vocation: „Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature!” (Mk 16:15). The echo of these words resounds in contemporary situations of transmission of the faith, and this means that the Word of God is transmitted in the living Tradition of the Church, which confronts the various challenges of digital culture, cultural globalisation and other contemporary challenges.
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