Influence of the Theology of the People on the Homiletic Magisterium of Pope Francis
After the Second Vatican Council, the theology of the people appeared in Argentina. The task of the Argentinian theologians was to help the Church in Latin America to carry out a pastoral renewal taking into account the local cultural and religious context. Pope Francis, for whom the primary mission of the Church is to proclaim the Gospel, refers to this theological and pastoral concept in his universal teaching. In fulfilling her mission, the Church must refer to the experience of people and take into account all their needs. People themselves should be seen as the subjects of the proclamation of the word of God, because they constantly participate in dialogue with God, allow Him to shape their lives and contribute to strengthening the faith of the Church. Pope Francis, who devotes in his Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium a lot of attention to the issue of preparing and delivering the homily, shows how the life and faith of God’s people inspire the content of preaching, influence the homilist’s approach to the audience and help him speak in a language that is close and understandable to the addressees of the ministry of the word.
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