Phonoholism, Smombie and Nomophobia: Emerging Concepts that Characterize Problematic Mobile Phone Use by Young People
Smartphones offer a huge range of possibilities, keep people actively involved in building relationships with others. These devices changed the way of consuming various content, spending free time, using the Internet, shopping, watching movies. Thanks to smartphones, new ways of communication and building relationships have emerged. They were supposed to serve mainly as facilitating communication but with time they started to create the surrounding reality. While smartphone offer great opportunities to innovate, learn and stimulate creativity, there is evidence of negative consequences for the mental health of users.
The article addresses the problem of problematic mobile phone use by young people. The danger of becoming dependent on a mobile phone was pointed out and the specificity of phonoholism as a new form of behavioral addiction was presented. First, the symptoms of excessive smartphone use will be presented along with dimentions and the reasons why people use them so often. Then, issues related to problematic mobile phone use will be presented, such as: prevalence, questionnaire methods and consequences. Finally, the author discusses the risk factors of excessive use of smartphones.
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