The Necessity of Preserving the Relationship of Theology and Faith with History in the Spirit of the Second Vatican Council

Keywords: God's revelation, faith, the history of salvation, the laicization of history, temporal commitment, progress, the dialectic of action, the fruits of efforts


This article points out the necessity of preservation of a relationship of faith and history and necessity of profounding such relationship as of today because some factors from the past (rationalism, neo-scholasticism) weaken it and some contemporary tendencies (postmodernism, abstract theology, religious relativism) undermine its meaning. The author comes from the relationship of theology and faith with the history of salvation in antiquity, indicates its weakening in the Middle Ages, breaking it up in the Age of Enlightenment and rediscovering its validity again in the early twentieth century. Analyzing the Constitution on God's Revelation (Dei Verbum) makes more familiar the exegesis of faith contained in it (fides quae and fides qua) as a response to the historical revelation of God in history.Taking into consideration the new post-conciliar theological and pastoral challenges, he emphasizes the importance of preserving an internal relationship of theology and faith with history for shaping the latter one through human activity corresponding to the common good and the realization of the final vocation. He points to the possibility of shaping history in connection with the mystery of the salvific embodiment and the dialectic contained in it, and then explains the eschatological way of fulfilling the creation and his relationship with involvement in worldliness.


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