ICT in the Formation of Polish Catechists Today
With the development of new information and communication technologies in Poland and the digitization of Polish schools, an attempt was made to present ICT as used in the contemporary formation of Polish catechists. Reference was made to the catechetical documents of the universal Church and in Poland, normative acts and literature of the subject. Attention was paid to both initial and permanent formation. For this purpose, a short presentation was made of the current state of the formation of catechists in Poland regarding ICT. Next, the status and functions of ICT in the formation of Polish catechists were analyzed and the ways of its implementation. This showed that ICT has a special place in the contemporary formation of Polish catechists. ICT is indispensable for catechists because only in this way can they enhance their IT skills. At the same time a number of e-learning options were presented, as well as the possibilities that ICT opens for catechists working in schools regarding lesson organization and methodology. Also, the article shows the importance of the ability to use remote learning platforms (e.g., Storybird, Padlet, Story Dice) and create and use various applications (such as LearningApps.org., Kahoot!).
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