Creativity of Religion Teachers as a Determinant of Students’ Creativity
The analyses undertaken in this paper aim to show the importance of the creativity of religion teachers for the development of their students’ creativity in the course of religion lessons. The starting point is the thesis according to which the creativity of religion teachers is a determinant of students’ creativity. Such an approach required the use of the analytic-synthetic method. The analysis included the available literature on the subject. Based on this, the identity of creative religion teachers was first characterized in a synthetic manner. Their personal characteristics and the substantive and methodological competence were identified. In this context, specific activities of religion teachers were analysed, which testify to their creativity and at the same time motivate students to engage in a multifaceted, creative activity. Particular emphasis was placed on the use of various forms of organization of students’ work during religion lessons, methods, techniques and didactic aids. The questions posed not only by the teachers but also by the students were considered important. It was also observed that a creative religion teacher not only strives for external activation of students, but also supports them in discovering the values of the Gospel, their conversion and trusting in Christ. In their teaching and educational work, religion teachers need appropriate support, since they should continuously develop and learn, as well as improve their methodological skills.
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