The Acolyte’s Ministry Seen from a Spiritual and Liturgic Perspective
The post-Tridentine rites for the ordination to the acolytate (minor orders) indicated that an acolyte was to be God's light for others (cf. Mt 5:16; Phil 2:15-16). Acolytes are also to be the children of light (cf. Eph 5:8; Lk 11:36), clothed with the armor of light (cf. Rom 13:12), and being zealous in all righteousness, goodness and truth they are to enlighten themselves, others and Church (cf. Eph 5:9). In addition, bringing wine and water to the altar they should sacrifice their own pure life and good works (cf. Rom 12:1). The acolyte’s spirituality according to motu proprio Ministeria quaedam and the rites of institution of acolytes consists mainly in the fulfilling of the common priesthood, both at the Eucharist table and in life. The acolyte's spirituality can also be called eucharistic which consists in making spiritual sacrifices in life and at the Holy Mass and joining them with the only sacrifice of Christ in each Eucharist. The eucharistic spirituality is also a spirituality of communion because it grows out of God as the communion of Persons and consists, on the human side, in building personal relationships with the Persons of the Holy Trinity. This leads to solidarity and service which means discovering people as sisters and brothers in one Church and creating bonds of friendship and cooperation with them in building the mystical Body of Christ. Therefore, the spirituality of communion consists in a real commitment to other people, real help for them and real actions aimed at building community between people, the source and summit of which is in the acolyte's serving brothers and sisters in the Eucharist.
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