Architecture and Liturgical Art as an Antidote to Desacralization. A Study of Artistic Creativity by M.I. Rupnik SI

Keywords: sacred architecture, liturgical art, icon, Christian East, Eastern spirituality


Contemporary architecture and sacred art have lost their original instinct in favor of illegible and ambiguous forms. In this way, sacred art, in a sense, sent the message to be a reality that helps man in contact with God, or, as the theorists of sacred art wanted, a tool that brings God down to earth. These tendencies are being remedied by Fr. Marko I. Rupnik, a Slovenian Jesuit, theologian and iconographer, founder of the Aletti Center – an institute of theology and art, promoting the idea of “the Christian breathing of two lungs”, combining the Eastern and Western traditions, which formed the doctrine of the undivided Church. The effect of Rupnik’s theological thought is liturgical art, which, inscribed in architecture, creates a space for human meeting with God.


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