Szkoła w przestrzeni nowych mediów, nowego człowieka i nowego społeczeństwa

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Janusz Miąso


Multidimensional transformation of the man, the society, economy, politics, science, education – and many others – is taking place practically everywhere and is affecting virtually everybody and everything, both directly and indirectly. The extent of this transformation is unprecedented and baffling almost as much as the information that Cyprus known as tax haven may go bankrupt. These powerful transformations, whether we wish it or not, have influence over the school. It often seems there are no wise heads here, as the scale of education, or rather pseudo education outside the rightful education system e.g. via Facebook, may be shocking for many parents who after some time are completely taken by surprise when they find out how their children get educated. I am certain, however, that we are responsible for our children's education and for the condition of the future society. It will be certainly aslightly different society and a slightly different man but, in fact, our goal is to make them better not worse. Therefore we definitely have to undertake challenges, examine the situation and constantly look for a better school and didactics model.

The Year of Janusz Korczak has ended. We have commemorated the Man who left his career to explore the world of children to build better contact with them, to create better didactics, to aid human growth. The whole concept of Janusz Korczak, PhD, is still fresh and inspiring. Certainly many great parents, teachers, thinkers ad children as well, in the depth of their hearts want a modern, multimedia-aided, and ethically better school. They want a better man an society where personalism will be the strength of the man and interpersonal communication will become the development dynamics. “Follow the living, reach the new life…” (A. Asnyk).

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