Wychowanie do miłości małżeńskiej
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This article presents the concept of marriage love in terms of education. Marriage love is defined as „attitude” including marriage of inclusivity and uniqueness of each of the spouses. Marriage love begins at home and family since the first moments of child's life.
Then, in fact, parents satisfy needs of love and belonging, their child and develop his or her ability to love. The child observes their parents and learns from them what is love and how it should look in the future. The element of education for marriage love is the preparation which covers the period of engagement, religious instruction, premarital education, counseling meetings in family life and confession. It is time that the spouses should come to know themselves, their future plans, learn how to communicate and cope with conflicts. Parents' love is the kind of foundation for the later child's love for his or her spouse and gives a shape its expectations for the other person.
Article Details
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