Miłość jako zadanie − ujęcie pedeutologiczne

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Anna Petkowicz


The issue of the role of teachers, both individually and in a wider social realm, has changed significantly over the last decade. There is a constant need for updating the answer to the question: what is a teacher like, what should he/she be like and how to educate him/her? The analysis of pedeutological achievements shows that the term love, which is crucial to the relationship teacher-student, has been replaced with such terminology as: friendliness and fairness. In teachers' education the main emphasis has been placed on the professional qualifications while training mature, integrated personality has not been included in the course of studies. Personalistic pedagogy clearly stresses the importance of personal relationship between teacher and student, and John Paul's II „civilization of love” may become a program that facilitates introducing into teaching the Christian understanding of love as a task that one has to face when taking the responsibility for another man.

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