Działalność Caritas na rzecz dzieci i ich rodzin w Polsce w latach 2002-2007
Main Article Content
The structural transformation in Poland, which is the main subject of this text, resulted in significant economic and social changes that brought about the split of society into two distinctly different groups. The first group are the people who function perfectly well in the new reality, have a good job and a chance for professional career. The second group are the people who, for different reasons be it helplessness, age or alcoholism remain unemployed and live in poverty.
The Caritas organization conducts varied actions and programs. Programs aimed at children and families requiring support are conducted in accordance with the Caritas mission “speak for the poor”. The year-long assistance in situations demanding rapid action is a trademark of Caritas. The immediate actions taken by employees and volunteers of Caritas result in the growth of trust in the organization among the ones in need. And, most importantly, they result also in the growing trust of the local government units and the financial support that stems from this trust.
Article Details
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Raporty roczne Caritas za lata 2002-2007.