Establishment of the Group in the Aspect of Educative-Coaching interactions. Sketch of Pedagogical Practice
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The resocialization process is based on two basic methods of influence on the individual. The first of these is the interaction based on the direct relationship of the educator with the foster child. The second method is a work based on a social group. This text is an attempt to summarize pedagogical practice and compare it with theoretical requirements. The subject of the analysis is the problem of creating a group and the deepened process of its creation. Factors conducive to the group’s formation process and basic methods of its positive creation will be presented. The group in the process of resocialization is the basic tool of sociotherapeutic interactions. Skillful control over its creation and dynamics of change is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation interactions in the case of minors. Skillful control of her work causes that social rehabilitation moves from external commands to internal norms and values of both individuals and the whole community. The work put into the skillful construction and launch of the group processes is more effective in the context of time than the direct supervision of the tutorial.
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