The Essence of an Integral Education in The Personal Development of a Man
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Integral education of a man – that is multidimensional and complete understanding of the educational process indicates taking into account all basic spheres of humanity: physical, sexual, intellectual, emotional, moral, spiritual, religious, and social. Such understanding of the educational process is optimal and leads to personal development. To carry it out correctly, affirmation of the values of dignity is necessary, which is the starting point in the relationship educator–graduate. It is also very important that the educator is a role-model – a true master, who will lead the student towards full personal development.
Integral education – indicating the way to the implementation of the humanity of a man – should start at an early age. If a person, in their early years of life, understands the value of a person and the essence of integral development, then they will know the meaning of human life and the task arising out of “being” a human.
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