The Educator and his Role in Edmund Bojanowski’s Thought

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Mirosław Stanisław Wierzbicki
Serafina Nadzeya Matsulevich


The article presents the role of the educator in the thought of Edmund Bojanowski. His various publications emphasize how the teacher has influenced the students' development not only in the nineteenth century, but also indicates the inspiration for the contemporary education of children. E. Bojanowski invited the laity educators offering them various initiatives, such as the creation of reading rooms, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and so on. His projects outlined the full educative lines of Christian love and instructions that enlightened the thinking of new generations. Through educators working among the children of the rural population, Bojanowski strengthened the foundation of life hinging it on education and instruction. The most important message he left to his educators was the love of God and child, which should be the motive and passion in the educational work.

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