Live in Service of True Values in Pedagogical Thoughts and Works of Bl. Edmund Bojanowski

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Zenon Grocholewski


The best pedagogical studies will not help in the process of formatting the young generation if the authentic love to a student will not be present. It is the most effective teaching tool and it puts the upbringing into the important path of Christian life which realization of love is. You cannot learn this love at various classed or during special courses, it has to be continuously shaped in your own heart. In order for the education to format healthy people, the love to a student has to be united with the creed and transmission of objective values, deeply rooted into the nature of a human being. Thus, today, I consider the widespread ethical and moral relativism, which negates presence of the objective truth as the most difficult obstacle in the pedagogical work. Benedict XVI was talking about “dictatorship of relativism” in today’s world, while Pope Francis called it as the “cancer of a society”. Thoughts and pedagogical activities of Bl. Edmund Bojanowski (1814-1871) in this matter are the example and inspiration for today’s pedagogical activities.

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Author Biography

Zenon Grocholewski

Były prefekt Kongregacji Edukacji Katolickiej, były wykładowca w Rzymie na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim, na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Lateraneńskim i w Studium Rotalnym, postulator sprawy beatyfikacji i kanonizacji Edmunda Bojanowskiego


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