Positive Changes in Perception Women with Acquired Physical Patch Disability

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Stanisława Byra


The article addresses the issue of positive post-traumatic changes in women with acquired physical disability. Based on the theory of posttraumatic growth of R.G. Tedeschi and L.G. Calhoun were analyzed positive changes in self-perception, relationships with others, appreciation of life and in the spiritual sphere in women with spinal cord injury and amputation of the lower limb. They also attempted to explain their intensity by the strategies of coping, beliefs about the outside world, their own and their effectiveness in overcoming difficult situations and acceptance of disability. A non-uniform structure of positive changes in the study group of women and their positive relationship with the perceiving of stress was observed. The results showed that the strategies for coping and acceptance of disability were the most important in explaining the intensity of positive post-traumatic changes in women with physical disability.

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