The Situation of the Widow and the Family after the Father's Death by Suicide

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Emilia Mulawa


The article is taking the problem of suicide death of father and the consequent single parenthood. The aim of the discussion is to present the problems that may arise in the family after the tragedy of suicide. In Poland in 2014 5237 men committed suicide, which accounts for as much as 1668 cases more than in 2012. Quoting statistical data, we can infer about the increase in the number of suicides in Poland in the last two years. The consequence of a decision taken by a man about suicide, it becomes the task of the suffering of his family. Suicide becomes a denial of existence. The father who decides to act of self-destruction, is often located in very difficult circumstances. Fatal suicide begins the process of mourning at the close family. The widow and orphaned children experience a sudden, unexpected death of a loved one. The question then arises: Why did this happen? The family has to loosen the personal ties between them and the dead and try to accept the situation. Family system changes, followed by a new division of responsibilities and roles in the family. A change in the method of communication between family members, changes in family rituals. For the widow it is the responsibility to meet the needs of children, ranging from health and education, but also to provide material being. Women inactive try to work to ensure financial stability, which also affects the changes in the activity of a family. The death of her husband, then breaking the marriage relationship. No contact with another person, no relationship based on love can deepen woman's loneliness. It stands in front of her decision to choose a new partner, which is considered good for the whole family. At widowed women may experience health problems, emotional and isolation from society. Lone parenthood is a challenge for a woman. It becomes important to provide support to children by their mother. The phenomenon of suicide is a social problem in our country and family after experiencing such a tragedy needs support.

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