The Perception of Parental Attitudes But the Motivation to Achieve at Studying Women. Announcement from examinations

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Ilona Gumińska


Finding the answer to a question is a purpose of the above work in relation to which is the Perception of parental attitudes but the motivation to achieve at studying women. In smaller article a presented announcement stayed from examinations. Which the applied following tests stayed in. Livestock of the LMI motivation to achieve: this tool developed by the team composed of is: Schuler Heinz, George C. Thomton, Andreas Frintrup. Waldemar Klinkosz and Andrzej Sękowski drew his Polish adaptation up. As well as KPR-Roc Questionnaire of the Retrospective Evaluation of Postures of Parents. Mieczysław Plopa is an author of the questionnaire. This tool enables to effect the retrospective evaluation of parental postures − individually put the father and mothers. 101 women took part in the examination − of students of Lublin colleges. They confirmed the complex of hypotheses constructed at the work oneself. Achieved results demonstrated that retrospective evaluations of parents were correlating with the level of the motivation to achieve of students. The level of the motivation to achieve slightly is being diversified by the domicile which next in the significant way is diversifying links between the motivation to achieve and the perception of parental attitudes

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