Education and Occupational Status of Parents as the Factors Differentiating Patriotic Attitudes of Belarusian Youth

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Włodzimierz Sadowski


The issue of patriotic views of Belarusian youth is extremely important and requires an overall study. Current selective surveys only prove that the patriotism of Belarusian youth has unformed, not-systematized character and is of no special importance. There have been no studies on the issue of the conditions of shaping the patriotic attitudes of Belarusian youth. Results of surveys show that education and occupational status of parents of the young examined are the least differentiating factors. Undoubtedly, gained relations need further interdisciplinary research. However, the problem observed − why family which is supposed to deliver the patriotic education contents in the natural way, is the least differentiating factor of the patriotic attitudes of young people − seems to be very interesting from the pedagogical perspective.

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