Vocation in the Christian Concept of Education

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Roman Jusiak


A vocation is defined as a relatively stable predisposition to perform a role, a task, an act, or a labour. In Christianity a vocation is understood as a call of man by God for the accomplishment of certain tasks. It is situated in the process of socialization, education and self-education. Christian education is based on the ideas and values proclaimed by Jesus of Nazareth where a concern for salvation has moved to the forefront. Personalistic and integral conception of man is assumed – the human individual is recognized as a person who has a physical and spiritual dimension. Man is a person capable of development. In this process the reading and accomplishment of one's vocation plays an important role. God calls each person to a life lived in love. Christian morality is subordinated to the three evangelical virtues: faith, hope and love, and the idea of building the Kingdom of God. Christian education is the knowledge of oneself and one's vocation and conscious work on one's own development and the realization of the mission assigned by God. Every person is called by God to do certain tasks, which means his own personal vocation. We can say that the reading of one's vocation and the awareness of the need to work on their own development are important elements of Christian education.

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