Didactic Aspects of Therapy Through Theater

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Anna Badora


The aim of this article is to present a process of therapy through theater , as the impact in which seeing and respecting certain aspects of teaching plays a vital role.

The study was divided into four parts. Part one provides an explanation of the term therapy through theatre, part two describes its objectives and functions, part three is an analysis of the relationship between the principles of teaching, and the therapy through theater, in the fourth part you can find practical exercises in the field of a drama activity.

To clarify the definition of the concept of dramatherapy there was used a definition of D. Krzywoń and M. Pietruszka-Budzynski.

There were formulated the following main objectives of therapy through theatre: Enabling the participants to grow and get maturation; Allowing the participants to deepen self-knowledge, and providing them with incentives that are necessary for the proper functioning in society, and which they lack in real life; Shaping the personality and providing mature members to cultural communities − the same as the goal of education.

Functions of therapy through theatre have also been defined: compensating, therapeutic and educational. It has been shown how to implement rules: demonstrativeness; sustainability of knowledge; accessibility of teaching; regularity; conscious and active participation in the learning process; individualization and teamwork; combining theory with practice, in this process. Proposals of exercises: Raising awareness of your own body and developing spatial awareness; Allowing the establishment of trust between the participants and developing the ability to work in a team; Developing: the ability to interpret and present a text, building relationships and situations on stage, creating a role.

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