Social Security in Sociopedagogical Research

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Marek Ozimek


Security has always been among the most desired values. In the 21st century, security of the state rests on holistic premises, covering all its aspects and dimensions, such as national, international, political, military, social, cultural, ecological, information and local-level security.

This article deals with the issue of social security as part of national security. The social dimension of security is dynamic and undergoes constant changes engaging all the agents of statehood. These changes are first of all meant to provide the existential foundations of human life and to create opportunities for the personal development of each human being - material and spiritual. An example of a contemporary risk to the stability and growth of the social security of Poles are economic migrations, adverse demographic tendencies and a wide range of social pathologies, such as alcoholism or family degradation. These challenges can be faced through constructing of a strong civil society, built on the foundation of adequate and well-designed educational programmes.

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