The Correlation Between Family Situation and the Sense of Coherence and Self-Efficacy Displayed by the Youth in Socialization Institutions

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Małgorzata Sitarczyk
Mateusz Łukasik


The aim of this article is to analyse the family situation and the personal development of the youth in socialization institutions. The research rests on the theoretical premise that any effective psychological intervention and help can be effective on condition that the personal growth of the youth is granted due support. Hence, the diagnostic research presented in the article focuses on a primary aspect of personal functioning - one's sense of self-efficacy and coherence. Examining the sense of self-efficacy of the researched youth helped better understand the nature of social and personality problems experienced by the youth. More importantly, it helped select effective methods of educational, social therapeutic and resocializing impact.

The research covered 261 subjects and it helped reveal that the students in the socialization institutions exhibit a lower sense of coherence and self-efficacy than their peers living with families.

The former students perceive their social, personal, somatic and psychological resources as insufficient to face the difficulties of their life. As a result, they perceive the sense of their own and others' actions as limited, which translates onto their perception of their own life as of limited sense.

The research proved the vitality of effective, reliable and valid intervention in solving these students' problems.

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