Sexual Identity in Women at the Threshold of their Adulthood

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Alicja Orzeszek


Sexual identity is one of the dimensions of a man's identity. In literature we find numerous descriptions and definitions of it. Sexual identity is understood as a psychological phenomenon that is based on the relatively stable biological gender. Generally, sexual identity may be defined as an individual's knowledge about his/her belonging to a defined sexual group. Sexual identity can be characterized by means of models. A one-factor and a multi-factor model may be distinguished.

For the present article Sandra Bem's two-factor model of sexual identity is significant. The model assumes that there are patterns of sex and that sexes differ in biological, psychological and social-cultural dimensions. Because of the number of masculine and feminine traits the model singles out the following persons: sexually defined, androgynous, sexually undifferentiated, and cross-defined ones. The model was used in empirical studies. On the basis of the obtained data the following conclusions were formulated: 1. Feminine women are the greatest group; 2. The second most numerous group is the group of androgynous women; 3. The least group is constituted by women with an undefined sense of sexual identity; 4. Women that are characterized by a greater percentage of masculine traits more often tend to be active in fields socially considered as typical of men.

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