Education of Young People for Civic Competences under the Terms of Democratization of the Social Space

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Franciszka Wanda Wawro


The publication is concerned with selected areas of analysis of young people's education process that aims at acquiring civic competences and of its results in modern social-cultural conditions. The author reflects on the standards defining the contents of the education process in the discussed area and its expected results, mainly in the shape of a subjective attitude formed in the young generation that allows young people to join the process of enlivening the social system in its postulated democratic form. Because of the complexity of the education process and of its determinants, in the analysis those aspects of the issue have been marked out that – in the author's opinion – are the most telling variables conditioning the process in question, taking into consideration both significant features of the modern so-called global culture, and the special character of the Polish context, including the way democratization proceeds in the Polish social space. Final remarks are concerned with the necessity of undertaking diagnostic studies on the way young people code the meanings of central values and principles of democracy and entering the discourse aiming at releasing social synergy of circles interested in the proper course of civic education.

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