Multicultural Policy Versus Civic Education in England: Selected Socio-Pedagogical Aspects
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In the English political discourse the end of multiculturalism has been announced many times. The aim of the paper is to analyse the discourse of public debate on multiculturalism in England as well as the implications for citizenship education. The paper focuses on the foundations of citizenship education in the context of social cohesion and Britishness under the Labour Party government. It also provides the analysis of the policy toward citizenship education and multiculturalism under the Tories. Moreover, the author of the paper also tries to find the answer to the question whether there is the end of multicultural policy or this phenomena has been transformed and what is the future of citizenship education.
Article Details
Ajegbo, K., Kiwan, D., Sharma, S. (2007). Diversity and citizenship curriculum review. London: DfES.
Alexander, C., Weeks-Bernard, D. (2017). History lessons: inequality, diversity and the national curriculum. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 20 (4), 478-494.
Archard, D. (2003). Citizenship education and multiculturalism. W: A. Lockyer, B. Crick, J. Anette (red.), Education for democratic citizenship. Issues of theory and practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Banks, J.A., et. al. (2005). Democracy and diversity: Principles and concepts for educating citizens in a global age. Seattle:University of Washington.
Banks, J.A. (2008). Diversity and citizenship education in global times. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London:Sage.
Beck, J. (2012). A brief history of citizenship education in England and Wales. W: J. Arthur, H. Cremin (red.), Debates in citizenship education. London–New York: Routledge.
Blunkett urges citizenship debate, (dostęp 19.02.2014).
Brett, P. (2007). Identity and Diversity: Citizenship Education and Looking Forwards from the Ajegbo Report, (dostęp 21.03.2017).
Cross, M. (2003). Racism and racial inequality: the British case in a European context. W: Z. Layton-Henry, C. Wilpert (red.), Challenging racism in Britain and Germany. London: Palgrave Macmilian.
Crozier, G. (2012). The politics of Education. Challenging Racial Discrimination and Disadvantage in Education in the British Context. W: C. Kassimeris i M. Vryonides (red.), The Politics of Education. Challenging Multiculturalism. New York–London: Routledge.
Davies, I., Chong, E.K.M. (2016). Current challenges for citizenship education in England. Asian Education and Development Studies, 5 (1), 20-36.
Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (2007). Curriculum Review: Diversity and citizenship (Ajegbo Report). DfES: London.
Department for Education (DfE) (2014). National Curriculum system/uploads/attachment_data/file/381754/SECONDARY_national_curriculum.pdf (dostęp 26.11.2017).
Dorey, P. (2007). A New Direction or Another False Dawn? David Cameron and the Crisis of British Conservatism. British Politics, 2, 137-166.
Dudenhoefer, A.L. (2018). Resisting radicalization: a critical analysis of the UK Prevent Duty. Journal for the Deradicalization, 14, 153-191.
Education for citizenship and teaching democracy in schools. (1998). Final Report of the Advisory Group of Citizenship: London.
Figueroa, P. (2007). Diversity and citizenship education in England. W: J. Banks (red.), Diversity and citizenship education: global perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Flecknoe, M. (2002). Democracy, citizenship and school improvement: What can one school tell us? School Leadership and Management, 22 (4), 421-437.
Franklin, T. (2017). Citizenship lessons more vital now than ever. The Guardian, 8.06.2017, (dostęp 29.12.2017).
Furedi, F. (2015). Spot the Little Terrorist in Your Midst: Why it’s wrong to turn teachers into spies on extremist kids, (dostęp 29.03.2017).
Garratt, D., Piper, H. (2008). Citizenship education in England and Wales: theoretical critique and practical considerations. Teachers and Teaching, 14 (5), 481-496.
Gereluk, D. (2012). Education, extremism and terrorism. What should be taught in Citizenship education and why. London: Continuum.
Gilroy, P. (2004). After empire: Multiculture or postcolonial melancholia. London: Routledge.
Gmerek, T. (2011). Edukacja i nierówności społeczne. Studium porównawcze na przykładzie Anglii, Hiszpanii i Rosji. Kraków: OW Impuls.
Grillo, P.R. (2015). Reflections on British Multiculturalism, 1967-2014. W: P.R. Grillo et. al. (red.), Difference Essays on Transnationalism and Multiculturalism Living with. B and RG Books of Lewes. Kindle Edition.
Grosvenor, I. (1997). Assimilating identities: Racism and education policy in post 1945 Britain. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
Heater, D. (2008). The history of citizenship education in England. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies (red.), Citizenship education, vol. 1. London: Sage.
Hejwosz-Gromkowska, D. (2019). Edukacja obywatelska we współczesnej Anglii. Studium socjopedagogiczne. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
HM Government (2010). Building a Stronger Society, 14.10.2010, (dostęp 3.03.2018).
Joppke, C., Lukes, S. (1999). Multicultural questions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, D., Cleaver, E. (2004). Citizenship education longitudinal study: Literature review – Citizenship education one year on – What does it mean?: Emerging definitions and approaches in the first year of National Curriculum Citizenship in England. Research Report 532. London: DfES.
Kerr, D. (2013). National Curriculum Implications for Citizenship London, Citizenship Foundation, (dostęp 9.12.2017).
Kerr, D. et al. (2007). Vision vs Pragmatism: Citizenship in the Secondary School Curriculum in England. London: NFER.
Kerr, D., Smith, A., Twine, C. (2008). Citizenship education in the United Kingdom. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Kiwan, D., Kiwan, N. (2005). Citizenship education: the French and English Experience. W: C. Pole, J. Pilcher, J. Williams (red.), Young people in transition. Becoming citizens? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kymlicka, W. (1996). Multicultural citizenship: a liberal theory of minority rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kymlicka, W. (2002). Contemporary political philosophy. An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kymlicka, W. (2003). Two Dilemmas of Citizenship Education in Pluralist Societies. W: A. Lockyer, B. Crick, J. Annette (red.), Education for Democratic Citizenship: Issues of Theory and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Malik, A. (2012). Citizenship education, race and community cohesion. W: J. Arthur, H. Cremin (red.), Debates in citizenship education. London–New York: Routledge.
Mattei, P., Broeks, M. (2018). From Multiculturalism to Civic Integration: Citizenship Education and Integration Policies in the Netherlands and England since 2000s. Ethnicities, 18 (1), 23-42.
McGhee, D. (2008). The end of multiculturalism. Terrorism, Integration and Human Rights. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Melosik, Z. (2007). Teoria i praktyka edukacji wielokulturowej. Kraków: OW Impuls.
Modood, T. (2011). Multiculturalism and integration: struggling with confusions. W: H. Mahamdallie (red.), Defending Multiculturalism: A Guide For The Movement. London: Bookmarks.
Nikitorowicz, J. (2007). Edukacja międzykulturowa. Kreowanie tożsamości dziecka. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne.
Osler, A. (2008). Citizenship education and the Ajegbo Report: Re-imagining a cosmopolitan nation. London Review of Education, 6 (1), 11-25.
Osler, A. (2016). Citizenship education, social justice and Brexit. Research Intelligence, Summer 2016, 12-14.
Osler, A., Starkey, H. (2001). Citizenship Education and National Identities in France and England: inclusive or exclusive? Oxford Review of Education, 27 (2), 287-305.
Owen, D. (2013). Future Identities: Changing Identities in the UK – the next 10 years. London: Government Office for Science.
Sales, R. (2010). What is ‘Britishness’, and is it Important? W: G. Calder, D. Cole, J. Seglow (red.), Citizenship Acquisition and National Belonging. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shain, F. (2013). Race, nation and education. An overview of British attempts to ‘manage diversity since 1950s. Education Inquiry, 4 (1), 63-85.
Patterson Dilworth, P. (2008). Multicultural citizenship education. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Starkey, H. (2008). Antiracism. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Sturman, L., Rowe, N., Sainsbury, M., Wheater, R., Kerr, D. (2012). Citizens in Transition in England: the Longitudinal Cohort at age 19-20. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research.
The British Academy (2017). English identity and the Governance of England, (dostęp 8.06.2018).
Watson, M. (2020). Michael Gove’s war on professional historical expertise: conservative curriculum reform, extreme whig history and the place of imperial heroes in modern multicultural Britain. British Politics, 15, 271-290.
Whiteley, P. (2012). Political participation in Britain: The decline and revival of civic culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wright, O., Taylor, J. (2011). Cameron: My war on multiculturalism. The Independent, 5.02.2011, (dostęp 7.09.2017).
Alexander, C., Weeks-Bernard, D. (2017). History lessons: inequality, diversity and the national curriculum. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 20 (4), 478-494.
Archard, D. (2003). Citizenship education and multiculturalism. W: A. Lockyer, B. Crick, J. Anette (red.), Education for democratic citizenship. Issues of theory and practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Banks, J.A., et. al. (2005). Democracy and diversity: Principles and concepts for educating citizens in a global age. Seattle:University of Washington.
Banks, J.A. (2008). Diversity and citizenship education in global times. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London:Sage.
Beck, J. (2012). A brief history of citizenship education in England and Wales. W: J. Arthur, H. Cremin (red.), Debates in citizenship education. London–New York: Routledge.
Blunkett urges citizenship debate, (dostęp 19.02.2014).
Brett, P. (2007). Identity and Diversity: Citizenship Education and Looking Forwards from the Ajegbo Report, (dostęp 21.03.2017).
Cross, M. (2003). Racism and racial inequality: the British case in a European context. W: Z. Layton-Henry, C. Wilpert (red.), Challenging racism in Britain and Germany. London: Palgrave Macmilian.
Crozier, G. (2012). The politics of Education. Challenging Racial Discrimination and Disadvantage in Education in the British Context. W: C. Kassimeris i M. Vryonides (red.), The Politics of Education. Challenging Multiculturalism. New York–London: Routledge.
Davies, I., Chong, E.K.M. (2016). Current challenges for citizenship education in England. Asian Education and Development Studies, 5 (1), 20-36.
Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (2007). Curriculum Review: Diversity and citizenship (Ajegbo Report). DfES: London.
Department for Education (DfE) (2014). National Curriculum system/uploads/attachment_data/file/381754/SECONDARY_national_curriculum.pdf (dostęp 26.11.2017).
Dorey, P. (2007). A New Direction or Another False Dawn? David Cameron and the Crisis of British Conservatism. British Politics, 2, 137-166.
Dudenhoefer, A.L. (2018). Resisting radicalization: a critical analysis of the UK Prevent Duty. Journal for the Deradicalization, 14, 153-191.
Education for citizenship and teaching democracy in schools. (1998). Final Report of the Advisory Group of Citizenship: London.
Figueroa, P. (2007). Diversity and citizenship education in England. W: J. Banks (red.), Diversity and citizenship education: global perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Flecknoe, M. (2002). Democracy, citizenship and school improvement: What can one school tell us? School Leadership and Management, 22 (4), 421-437.
Franklin, T. (2017). Citizenship lessons more vital now than ever. The Guardian, 8.06.2017, (dostęp 29.12.2017).
Furedi, F. (2015). Spot the Little Terrorist in Your Midst: Why it’s wrong to turn teachers into spies on extremist kids, (dostęp 29.03.2017).
Garratt, D., Piper, H. (2008). Citizenship education in England and Wales: theoretical critique and practical considerations. Teachers and Teaching, 14 (5), 481-496.
Gereluk, D. (2012). Education, extremism and terrorism. What should be taught in Citizenship education and why. London: Continuum.
Gilroy, P. (2004). After empire: Multiculture or postcolonial melancholia. London: Routledge.
Gmerek, T. (2011). Edukacja i nierówności społeczne. Studium porównawcze na przykładzie Anglii, Hiszpanii i Rosji. Kraków: OW Impuls.
Grillo, P.R. (2015). Reflections on British Multiculturalism, 1967-2014. W: P.R. Grillo et. al. (red.), Difference Essays on Transnationalism and Multiculturalism Living with. B and RG Books of Lewes. Kindle Edition.
Grosvenor, I. (1997). Assimilating identities: Racism and education policy in post 1945 Britain. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
Heater, D. (2008). The history of citizenship education in England. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies (red.), Citizenship education, vol. 1. London: Sage.
Hejwosz-Gromkowska, D. (2019). Edukacja obywatelska we współczesnej Anglii. Studium socjopedagogiczne. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
HM Government (2010). Building a Stronger Society, 14.10.2010, (dostęp 3.03.2018).
Joppke, C., Lukes, S. (1999). Multicultural questions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kerr, D., Cleaver, E. (2004). Citizenship education longitudinal study: Literature review – Citizenship education one year on – What does it mean?: Emerging definitions and approaches in the first year of National Curriculum Citizenship in England. Research Report 532. London: DfES.
Kerr, D. (2013). National Curriculum Implications for Citizenship London, Citizenship Foundation, (dostęp 9.12.2017).
Kerr, D. et al. (2007). Vision vs Pragmatism: Citizenship in the Secondary School Curriculum in England. London: NFER.
Kerr, D., Smith, A., Twine, C. (2008). Citizenship education in the United Kingdom. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Kiwan, D., Kiwan, N. (2005). Citizenship education: the French and English Experience. W: C. Pole, J. Pilcher, J. Williams (red.), Young people in transition. Becoming citizens? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kymlicka, W. (1996). Multicultural citizenship: a liberal theory of minority rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kymlicka, W. (2002). Contemporary political philosophy. An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kymlicka, W. (2003). Two Dilemmas of Citizenship Education in Pluralist Societies. W: A. Lockyer, B. Crick, J. Annette (red.), Education for Democratic Citizenship: Issues of Theory and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Malik, A. (2012). Citizenship education, race and community cohesion. W: J. Arthur, H. Cremin (red.), Debates in citizenship education. London–New York: Routledge.
Mattei, P., Broeks, M. (2018). From Multiculturalism to Civic Integration: Citizenship Education and Integration Policies in the Netherlands and England since 2000s. Ethnicities, 18 (1), 23-42.
McGhee, D. (2008). The end of multiculturalism. Terrorism, Integration and Human Rights. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Melosik, Z. (2007). Teoria i praktyka edukacji wielokulturowej. Kraków: OW Impuls.
Modood, T. (2011). Multiculturalism and integration: struggling with confusions. W: H. Mahamdallie (red.), Defending Multiculturalism: A Guide For The Movement. London: Bookmarks.
Nikitorowicz, J. (2007). Edukacja międzykulturowa. Kreowanie tożsamości dziecka. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne.
Osler, A. (2008). Citizenship education and the Ajegbo Report: Re-imagining a cosmopolitan nation. London Review of Education, 6 (1), 11-25.
Osler, A. (2016). Citizenship education, social justice and Brexit. Research Intelligence, Summer 2016, 12-14.
Osler, A., Starkey, H. (2001). Citizenship Education and National Identities in France and England: inclusive or exclusive? Oxford Review of Education, 27 (2), 287-305.
Owen, D. (2013). Future Identities: Changing Identities in the UK – the next 10 years. London: Government Office for Science.
Sales, R. (2010). What is ‘Britishness’, and is it Important? W: G. Calder, D. Cole, J. Seglow (red.), Citizenship Acquisition and National Belonging. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shain, F. (2013). Race, nation and education. An overview of British attempts to ‘manage diversity since 1950s. Education Inquiry, 4 (1), 63-85.
Patterson Dilworth, P. (2008). Multicultural citizenship education. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Starkey, H. (2008). Antiracism. W: J. Arthur, I. Davies, C. Hahn (red.), Education for citizenship and democracy. London: Sage.
Sturman, L., Rowe, N., Sainsbury, M., Wheater, R., Kerr, D. (2012). Citizens in Transition in England: the Longitudinal Cohort at age 19-20. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research.
The British Academy (2017). English identity and the Governance of England, (dostęp 8.06.2018).
Watson, M. (2020). Michael Gove’s war on professional historical expertise: conservative curriculum reform, extreme whig history and the place of imperial heroes in modern multicultural Britain. British Politics, 15, 271-290.
Whiteley, P. (2012). Political participation in Britain: The decline and revival of civic culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wright, O., Taylor, J. (2011). Cameron: My war on multiculturalism. The Independent, 5.02.2011, (dostęp 7.09.2017).