Preparing Future Teachers for Inclusive Education – International Guidelines and Directions of Changes

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Anna Zamkowska


The aim of the paper is to point at the changes that are taking place in the area of preparing preservice teachers to work in inclusive schools with students with special educational needs. The directions of changes included in the latest international reports and in the Polish model of education for all were discussed. The new postulates constitute a challenge for teachers reporting a need for further education in this field. The educational programs of preservice teachers require changes so that they prepare them to work with a diverse group of students. It is postulated that in the academic preparation: 1) a comprehensive approach to the study program, based on the biopsychosocial model, should be taken into account, 2) as part of subjects related to special education, conducted by academic teachers with scientific achievements and practical experience in this area, preservice teachers should be equipped not only with competences related to working with a diverse group of students, but also cognitive competences, including knowledge about various types of disabilities and their specific educational needs as well as implementation competences related to the practical skills of working with students with various types of special needs.

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