Youth and Video Games – Motives, Emotions and Problems Related to Gaming

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Martyna Kotyśko


This article analyzes the phenomenon of using computer games by young people. The aim of the own study was to learn and analyze the motives, emotions and problems related to the involvement of youth in gaming. The research method used was the diagnostic survey and the technique used was collective interview. The study involved 316 students from primary school (from the fifth to seventh grade) and junior high school (second and third class) from the Warmian-Masurian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodships.

The results of the study show that students motivate to play, above all, the desire to entertain and enjoy playing, but games are also a way for them to counteract boredom. Participants also pointed out utilitarian motives related to games, such as the opportunity to acquire new competences or learn new skills. Young people experience mainly positive emotions while playing, but a significant number of students indicate that they feel anger during and after playing. The participants were able to characterize the person who, in their opinion, uses games excessively.

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